School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Pedestrian traffic

Gerlach, J:More space for cycling and walkingin: DEKRA Road Safety Report 2014 Urban Mobility - Strategies for Accident Prevention on Europe's Roads, p. 47 (2014)download (PDF)

Gerlach, J:Altersgerechte Infrastruktur - was tun gegen Stolperfallen & Co?in: Länger beweglich - Überlegungen zur (Auto-) Mobilität im Alter, ed. by Auto Club Europa (ACE), Düsseldorf, 2013, pp. 8-9Download

Gerlach, J; Schwedler, M: Checklisten zur Fußgängerqualität Download (1,5MB)

Gerlach, J: Pedestrian Quality Audits and Inspections - more than a part of the new EU-Directive on Road Safety Infrastructure Management in: PQN Final Report, S. 83-112 - Download (550 KB)

Gerlach J, Mühlenbruch I:Renaissance of pedestrian traffic - London on its way to becoming Europe's number 1 pedestrian Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 07/2009 - Download (500 KB)

Langescheid, T; Leven, J; Gerlach, J:Effects of bus school on road safety and mobility behavior of children and adolescents - an Journal of Road Safety 1/2009, pp. 32-34.

Langescheid, T; Leven, J; Gerlach, J:Effects of the bus school on road safety and mobility behavior of children and adolescents - an evaluation.TÜV Media gmbH, Cologne, 2008ISBN: 978-3-8219-121-8 Link