School of Architecture and Civil Engineering


All courses offered by SVPT are currently held on-side and taught in German. Detailed information will be announced in due course via the Moodle courses or in the events. 

The following courses are currently offered in the summer semester: 

Projektseminar Raumplanung/Verkehr (B.Sc.) - project seminar spatial planning and traffic
Verkehr, Politik, Umwelt (B.Sc.) - interdisciplinary seminar traffic, politics, environment
LSA Steuerung (B.Sc.) -  Traffic signal control
Schall- und Immissionsschutz (M.Sc.) - Noise and immission control
Verkehrssicherheit (M.Sc.) - Road safety
Entwurfsplanung (M.Sc.) - Road design
Aktuelle Themen des Individualverkehrs (M.Sc.) - Current topics of individual transport

The following courses are currently offered in the winter semester:

Grundlagen der Verkehrsplanung und -systeme (B.Sc.) - Basic lecture traffic planning and systems
Projekt Individualverkehr (B.Sc.) - Project individual traffic
Verkehrsplanung unter rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen (B.Sc.) - Traffic planning under legal framework
Systemanalysen im Stadtverkehr (M.Sc.) - System analyses in urban traffic/urban road design
Infrastrukurtsysteme Flughäfen und Luftverkehr (M.Sc.) - Infrastructure systems airports and air traffic

Please note that these informations are for your information only, all administration concerning courses are done in moodle and the German part of the website.