School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Traffic engineering design of bicycle parking systems compared to passenger car parking structures

Key data on the project:

Client: German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt).

Duration: April 2023 - September 2024

Project manager/responsible for the teaching and research area of road traffic planning and technology:

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach, M.Sc. Mathias Sonneborn, M. Sc. Nicolas Tix

Project manager/worker teaching and research area bicycle traffic:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heather Kaths, M.Sc . Danil Belikhov

Brief description of the project:

Bicycle parking garages, bike stations, and similar bicycle parking structures have been emerging as an important component of attractive intermodal transfers between public transit and cycling for several years. For bicycle parking systems with often several thousand parking spaces, there is currently no procedure on the basis of which the quality level of traffic can be measured. Based on the procedure for passenger car parking structures listed in the HBS 2015, a procedure will be developed in the research project that will enable the determination of traffic quality for bicycle parking systems.

The traffic quality of car parking structures is determined in particular on the basis of the access systems used and on the basis of existing design and operational characteristics. The project aims to determine which parameters can be used to determine the traffic quality of bicycle parking systems.

Further objectives of the project are the development of design recommendations for the design of bicycle parking structures and the review of the existing HBS procedure with regard to practicability and up-to-dateness.