School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Optimization of behavior, regulation and structural situation in crossing situations between bicycle and motorized traffic

FE 70.0964/2020

Key project data:

Client: Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)

Duration: 06/2021 until 05/2023

Project manager/person in charge: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach, M.Sc. Mike Gerlach

Brief description of the project:

The use of bicycles as a means of transport depends on high-quality and safe infrastructural provision. In the existing and in the course of the development of bicycle priority routes and bicycle fast connections, there are different realized and planned designs of intersection situations between high-quality and high-performance bicycle connections and the remaining network of bicycle and motorized traffic. Regulations and guidance documents do not contain explicit recommendations for intersection situations.

Therefore, the aim of this project is to elaborate framework conditions for different types of intersections between high-quality bicycle facilities and motorized traffic. In doing so, safety analyses, behavioral observations, conflict analyses and surveys are to be used to work out quality features from the point of view of cyclists and to define criteria that make it possible to use intersection situations safely and in accordance with the rules.