School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Event security / Loveparade 2010

Processing of the causes of the Loveparade 2010

Univ-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach was an expert witness in the main hearing of the Duisburg Regional Court on the Loveparade 2010. The professional preparation available here provides answers to the question posed to him:

"What were the causes of the crowding of people on July 24, 2010 at the Love Parade in Duisburg and what were the possibilities of prevention (in each case taking into account the planning as well as the implementation)?"

Essential goals of the professional processing of causes of the tragic events at the Loveparade Duisburg 2010 are

  • a professional summary of the circumstances that contributed to the event,
  • a professional generation of findings and lessons to be derived from the events,
  • to provide a basis for the further development of guidelines, regulations and instructions that will increase the safety of future events.

In this context, the technical preparation is also intended as a reference publication that can be used for lessons learned and consequences to be drawn from the events.

Document [pdf] (german only)

Here you can go directly to the following pages:

Processing the causes of the Loveparade 2010

Loveparade 2010 - helpful links

Own publications on event safety

Research on event safety

Guides, regulations and guidelines for event planning

Further information