School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

A contribution to the improvement of the supply situation and traffic safety for pedestrian traffic


Steadily increasing numbers of motor vehicles inevitably entail new planning strategies. The convenience of the citizens is promoted by the high standard of living and the relatively easy access to automobiles. Thus, it is hardly surprising today when, purely statistically, almost every household has two passenger cars and mobility is almost limitless. These effects lead especially in the city centers to incompatible conditions (traffic jams, accidents, noise, pollutant emissions, parking search traffic, land use for stationary traffic), to which the passers-by and the environment are exposed. Therefore, it is imperative that all transport systems (MIV, public transport, bicycle, pedestrian) can coexist on an equal footing. The realization of the equivalence of the traffic systems is possible with the help of the current model of "urban compatible traffic". The implementation, however, is difficult, because many street spaces are shaped by the specifications of the old models. Guiding principles require the constant updating of planning and consequently correspond to the respective spirit of the times; they can thus be regarded as "state of the art". Therefore, insights and opinions will continue to change urban transportation planning in the future.In the context of this study, it will first be shown how the view and the rules (guidelines) in transportation planning changed. The retrospective will show the evolution from the promotion of the automobile over a long period of time and the neglect of the other transport systems (public transport, pedestrians, cyclists) to the urban compatible transport', which includes the equality of the transport systems. Since the road networks are not yet aligned with the current guiding principle of urban traffic planning and the inner-city traffic systems are thus not harmonized with each other, accidents occur between the strong, motorized and the weaker, non-motorized road users.An investigation approach is to prove possible correlations (impact analysis) between the roadside development, the road space and the accidents of pedestrians with motor vehicles. Based on the results of the investigation, proposals will then be developed to improve the supply situation and traffic safety for pedestrian traffic.

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