School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Prioritization of structural measures to improve road safety at black spots



The aim of the project was to analyse measures which eliminate accident black spots. Therefore the usefulness, effectiveness and efficiency of measures were calculated and examined. It should be shown that road construction measures (in comparison with traffic engineering measures) can also be used appropriately and efficiently to reduce accident black spots. Against the background of tight public funds the choice of a suitable measure is important because of an as effective as possible and efficient use of the funds.

Therefore a catalogue was developed which contains black spots with examples of measures for the elimination. In this catalogue the efficiency (benefit-cost analysis) as well as the effectiveness (accident costs and impact of measures) are described exemplary for different solutions. In addition every example was judged and examined, whether the effect of the measure is probably significant.

The results were arranged in form of a practice oriented booklet. The catalogue of examples can support accident commissions and decision makers supporting the assessment of advantages and disadvantages of a planned measure. It shows alternative possibilities and also presents not suitable measures. The catalogue of examples can additionally be used by road safety auditors for the judgement of safety deficits in planning.

For the data collection nationwide 65 accident commissions were contacted. 110 accident black spots were selected and presented in the catalogue of examples. The analysis showed that road construction measures on average have a higher measure impact, can reduce more accidents (and personal injury accidents), avoid higher accident costs and the effects are more significant than of traffic engineering measures. Mostly road construction measures can be used efficiently but due to the high costs they mostly show a lower benefit-cost-ratio in comparison to traffic engineering measures.