School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

A contribution to the quantification of the efficiency of zone speed restrictions.


The possibility of introducing zone speed restrictions (Tempo 30) was created in 1985 on a trial basis for five years by the Zone Speed Ordinance in order to investigate the efficiency of this measure.In the form of BEFORE/after studies, the speed behavior of motorists in two speed 30 zones in Neuss is recorded and analyzed. For this purpose, a measuring vehicle is used in the context of tracking drives. This measuring method proves to be the only practicable method to record speeds over longer stretches of road.The so far unexplained accuracy of the measuring method - here especially of the following process - is examined as a model after deriving the theoretical basis. It is shown that the tracking of a preceding vehicle is possible with an approximately constant time distance, so that the suitability for use of tracking drives can be demonstrated.For the comparison of the speed behavior between BEFORE and AFTER condition, various characteristic values are calculated and graphical representations of the speed course are derived. The newly defined discontinuity factor, which describes the deceleration process within a spatially limited area in the form of a numerical value, provides interesting information about the driving behavior at "right before left" controlled junctions.Overall, it is shown that the speeds decrease globally by about 5 - 7 km/h, that different high AFTER levels are reached depending on the traffic area structures and that the speeds in the AFTER state are clearly above 30 km/h.Different acceptance levels are demonstrated for formed categories of different traffic area structures. In areas where the use "residential" is clear to motorists, one can speak of a sufficient acceptance of speed 30, in areas that have more of a "street character", one can speak of an insufficient acceptance.

This Abstract was translated from German with deepL and could be faulty.