School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Design and dimensioning of traffic facilities

Koppers, A., Leven, T., Ruf, S.:Effect of pictogram chains on narrow main roads - Pictogram chains in mixed traffic now on every road?in: mobilogisch 3/21 pp. 38 - 41.

Koppers, A., Ruf, S., Gerlach, J., Leven, T., & Hagemeister, C.:Cycling in confined conditions - Effect of pictograms and signs on riding behavior and road safety Final report, 2021Download

Klein, T.; Hummel, S.; Leven, T.; Gerlach, J.; Stein, T.; Bührmann, S.:Bicycle Streets - Guide for Practice. Wuppertal,2021Download

Sonneborn, M.; Schwedler, M.; Gerlach, J: Traffic census in Heckinghauser Straße in summer semester 2019 November 2020 Download (PDF)Download raw data (XLSX).

Gerlach, J:Safe design of urban roads - effective, efficient - and inexpensive?in: Schriftenreihe Verkehrssicherheit Nr. 19: Sichere Straßen - für kleines Geld?Infrastructural measures to improve road safety. Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat e. V., Bonn 2015.

Spapé, I; Fuchs, C; Gerlach, J: Status quo and experiences with the planning and operation of cycle lanes in the Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain and Germanyin: Straßenverkehrstechnik 10/15, pp. 639 - 652 (2015) download (PDF).

Gerlach, J:Radschnellwege - sinnvollvolle Investition oder purer Unfug?in: Straßenverkehrstechnik 10/15, S. 635 (2015)download (PDF)

Gerlach, J:Shared space, encounter zones, traffic calming, mixing principles - who, how, what, why, why?in: Straßenverkehrstechnik 5/15, p. 308 - 316 (2015)download (PDF)

Böhm, M; Plesker, M; Günnemann, S; Khorrami, N; Mathea, C; Safiri, A; Spitz, J; Yang, X:International student workshop 2013 in Stellenbosch and 2014 in Dortmundin: Straßenverkehrstechnik 10/14, pp. 697-705download(PDF, 9 MB).

Gerlach, J:More space for cycling and walkingin: DEKRA Road Safety Report 2014 Urban Mobility - Strategies for Accident Prevention on Europe's Roads, p. 47 (2014)download (PDF)

Gerlach, J; Helferich, V:Recommendations for the formation of safe bottlenecks in local roadwaysin: mobilogisch! 04/13, S. 21-25

Gerlach, J:Altersgerechte Infrastruktur - was tun gegen Stolperfallen & Co?in: Länger beweglich - Überlegungen zur (Auto-) Mobilität im Alter, ed. by Auto Club Europa (ACE), Düsseldorf, 2013, pp. 8-9Download

Gerlach, J; Breidenbach, A; Rudolph, V:Fahrbahnquerschnitte in baulichen Engstellen von Ortsdurchfahrtenin: Berichte der BASt -Reihe V: Verkehrstechnik, ed. by BASt, Bergisch Gladbach, 2012, Vol. 208Link

Gerlach J, Boenke D:Impairments in old age and recommendations for the design of road spaces for us aging peoplein: Straßenverkehrstechnik 08/2011, S. 518 -527Download(59 KB)