Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach

Telephon + 49 (0)202 / 439 - 4088
Fax + 49 (0)202 / 439 - 4388
Room: HD 32a
Curriculum Vitae (short version)
Curriculum Vitae (long version)
- Design and dimensioning of traffic infrastructure
- Road safety
- Environmental sustainability
- Motorised individual traffic
- Cyclist traffic
- Pedestrian traffic
- Research, teaching, practice
- Trainer for Safety Audit of Roads
adh (Auditpartnerschaft der Hochschullehrer)
bast (Liste der Auditoren und Ausbildungsstellen) - Editor of the magazine for road safety ZVS (Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit)
- FGSV (Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen)
- Head of the executive committee of the workgroup 1 "Traffic planning"
- Member of the technical committee 1.2.9 "Instroductions for traffic-related development of (major-)events"
- Member of the technical committee 1.3 "Network design"
- Member of the committee 3 "Dimensioning of road traffic infrastructure (HBS)"
- Member of the technical committee 2.6 "Stationary traffic"
- Member of the technical committee 2.7 "Road safety audit"
- DVWG Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
- President of the Bezirksvereinigung Berg und Mark
- President of the Bezirksvereinigung Berg und Mark
- PIARC World Road Association
- Member of the Technical Committee C1 "Safer Road Infrastructure"
- Executive Chair of Working Group C1.2 "Urban Roads"
- EU Projects
- Member of the Management Committee of the COST action 358 "Pedestrians Quality Needs"
- Team Leader "Road Safety Audits and Inspections" of the Twinning Project "Enhancing Road Safety in Egypt"